
Monday update: An encyclopedia and a bestiary

Jasmine and I had a chance to talk about the Sandbox project this past Thursday and we both walked away with homework. I’m working on an encyclopedia (which right now is a timeline with a few stories that need to be more fleshed out) and she’s working on a bestiary.

A few things that were decided/rediscovered at our meeting: power is not based on birth order, at least for humans. Currently we’re deciding if it is something that can be grown with practice or something you’re born with. It will likely be a mix of both— think someone born with perfect pitch and someone who trains years to achieve that knowledge. Also we’re going with five elements to match the five deities. Deities: Life, Death, Balance, Order, and Chaos. Monsters: wood, fire, water, metal, and earth. Everyone outside of the Big 10 has varying degrees of power, none as powerful as the Big 10, except sorcerers (who are few and far between).

We’re also both racking our brains for a possible name for the universe. Suggestions welcome.

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