
NaNoWriMo: Small prompts

I may have mentioned before that I’m not a big fan of prompts, but in NaNoWriMo I am a fan of arbitrary. Generally an arbitrary word count on a particular character or historical event or an arbitrary amount of time to write nonstop. I’m not great with writing nonstop unless I’m racing someone, but I do try.

For arbitrary word counts or amounts of time, I like to use dice. For instance today to help myself make word goal for the day (2115 words a day right now because I’m behind) I rolled the 20-sided die and then added my favorite number for the amount of minutes I had to write. I also set a smaller word goal (somewhere between 100-500 words in a sitting depending on the length) to shoot for in that time period. So I’m off to write for the next 35 minutes. See you on the flip side!

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